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Today I had a crisis. All day the head gets a little sickly and all the vital energy disappeared somewhere. Yesterday I received constructive criticism from the curator of our blue group @ivan_tupeyko_art and decided to “slightly” rewrite the foreground of yesterday’s solar study. In general, I rewrote it, but I came to the hotel and looked from far away ... In the place of the open air there is a small piece of shadow and, when you leave, the sun blinds in your eyes - nothing is visible.

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And another pampering with ecoline liquid watercolor by @mpmart_official. This time I didn’t drip thoughtlessly on a wet sheet, but made a fill and some details. So it turned out these colored (well, very colored) mountains. Killer to goosebumps! But I like it so much !!! And those around them caused one perplexity ... Tomorrow I will try to use liquid watercolor with the usual one. I was very drawn to her

Thank you for your attention, interest and time.
Natalia Popova - Professional Artist.

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Another watercolor zone opened today and I couldn’t pass by its side.Windsor&Newton - I liked the watercolor and even the set of colors was quite acceptable, without distortions. Ocher was just not enough for the autumn landscape. But a piece of paper was given a full byak, a piece of blotter under the same brand. I could not stand the second layer either - one fill and a few details. That's all you can do on it. If you know in advance, you can adjust and not expect more. And if anyone goes there, I advise you to take a good leaf. I want to wrap it there again with an arshik - to look how much the color will sink (these paints are considered bright, sort of like).

Thank you for your attention, interest and time.
Natalia Popova - Professional Artist.

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Hurray! I finally tried acrylic. Somewhere here at the festival, information flashed that in some countries acrylic almost completely replaced oil. I was quietly indignant: not only had my favorite tempera been pushed into the ass, it also claims to be butter! And now I can honestly say - the way it is. Basically, I see that acrylic is used for decorative purposes and abstractions.

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A quick study in the bright sun, A3.

Still, watercolor is a very photogenic young lady! This is my main impression of the exhibition at the @newartfest festival. Very few works that I saw in the form of photos justify the expectation in reality. So this work is much more interesting in the photo. With other materials is not so contrasted. Although many oil works are also faded and less “clean” in life. Let’s see what prizes will win for the works from the “let yourself draw” contest. Oh, very interesting to me!

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On the first day of the festival @newartfest I went around everything: exhibitions, the art market and the open air zone. In the open air area, I started with the usual watercolors. They gave out a certain set of Rembrandt colors - more for testing than for the mountain landscape. Not a single basic blue color ... A lot of red-pink, even some new ones from the dust series (granular). Of course, one could depict something divorced from the surrounding reality, but I did not dare. Next time you will need to go beyond. The paper was also given quite good - 25% of cotton and even A3 were fabricated. BUT: only volunteers had umbrellas. The day was wonderful sunny and writing in bright light, you know, almost to the touch. Nowhere to hide from the sun. Tomorrow I'll go try gouache and acrylic.

Thank you for your attention, interest and time.
Natalia Popova - Professional Artist.

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Hello everyone from Sochi! Our journey began with a late departure from the Crimea to Krasnaya Polyana. As always, we buried ourselves in the camp and left instead of the early morning at about 10 in the morning. On the way we stopped for a swim on the Golden beaches of Anapa. I did not expect there are dunes, as in the Baltic states! Then they decided to take a walk around the center of Anapa and reached the mountain Olympic village on Rosa Khutor, where the NewArtFest will be held, arrived only by midnight. Anyway, I arrived at NewArtFest a day earlier and we spent it in the Rosa Khutor mountains.

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Hello everyone! Finally, the stars came together in an unknown composition - I pushed my grapes back in the evening (or rather at night) and violently (with my family) saved time for a workshop by Ilya Ibryaev with @enterclass. To be honest, I don’t really like to write like this “dictated”. In addition, the urban landscape least inspires me. I'm tired of the cities. She prepared poorly: there was no hairdryer on hand, either the photo or Ibryaev himself was normal on the screen, which led me aside - I was fond of and writing, not as required ... Well, okay! But now I know for sure what details need to be removed as much as possible in the urban landscape - vertical lines! Then, taking a closer look, I was convinced that this is what he most of all “nullifies”, leaving only the most expressive ones. Thank you for learning from the best!

Thank you for your attention, interest and time.
Natalia Popova - Professional Artist.

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A quick sketch from nature 28x38
When I was in art school, and then at HudGraf, I often came across recommendations to write the same place at different times of the day, in different weather and seasons ... I like it then it seemed very interesting and even romantic. Monet won how many times he wrote his pond and garden! It never came to implementation. Now I can cut out an hour for painting only when I take my children out to sea - to the same bay. Well, what can I say ... something quickly bothers and stubbornly fails to write the same thing in different ways. The dancer is no good ...

Thank you for your attention, interest and time.
Natalia Popova - Professional Artist.

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Paper, watercolor 28x38.
I love the mountains very much! Any - low, overgrown with forest, as we have in the Crimea, or sheer inaccessible cliffs ... Teberda-Dombai and Elbrus for me have remained the most beautiful place on the planet where I happened to visit. So different, but always majestic, striking in color, strength and energy. However, I didn’t have a chance to write snow-capped peaks ... It turned out to be not just but interesting.

Thank you for your attention, interest and time.
Natalia Popova - Professional Artist.