
  • Technique

    Pictures of Natalia Popova - Professional Artist - on the technique of execution: Watercolor, Tempera, Acrylic, oil


  • Tempera

    Pictures by Natalia Popova - Professional Artist - Written by Tempera:


  • "Lighthouse in the Choban-Kale Bay at sunset"

    "Lighthouse in the Choban-Kale Bay at sunset" Tempera painting 40x50 Written by Natalia Popova - Professional Artist in 2018

    Lighthouse in Choban-Kale Bay at sunset Painting Tempera 40x50 Written by Natalia Popova - Professional Artist in 2018

    I never went to rest in the Crimea as a child, and for the first time I visited there very in my mature age. Usually Crimea is loved by those who were there in Soviet times - nostalgia. My experience of traveling there for the first time was deplorable and I really didn’t like it. When leaving, I thought: “Never again in my life !!! Well, if only in the New World... ". A month later, I met my future husband from there

  • "Temple and blessed people"

    "Temple and blessed people" Tempera painting 45x60 Written by Natalia Popova - Professional Artist in 2019

    Temple and blessed people Painting Tempera 45x60 Written by Natalia Popova - Professional Artist in 2019

    First participated in event "We draw the Intercession Cathedral". An interesting event! Crowds of suffering artists converged at the central point of the capital in a single impulse to capture the symbol of Moscow. In this crowd, I, like a savage who recently descended from the mountains of Crimea, completely forgot about

  • "Lupins"

    "Lupins" Tempera painting 40x50 Written by Natalia Popova - Professional Artist in 2019

    Lupins Painting Tempera 40x50 Written by Natalia Popova - Professional Artist in 2019

    How cool it is to sometimes get distracted and "exhale" with tempera! Each technique corresponds to a person’s temperament. My impatience and temper are quickly realized in covering materials: I splashed it out, didn’t hit it - it shut it off and... endlessly 😂 Without expensive watercolor paper in the trash. But, like everything forbidden and difficult to achieve, watercolor beckons with absurd disposition and originality. However, I like temperament more and more. A huge number of advantages:
    1. It dries

  • "Ode to the departing summer"

    "Ode to the outgoing summer" Tempera on canvas, 40x50 Written by Natalia Popova - Professional Artist in 2019

    Ode to the outgoing summer Tempera on canvas, 40x50 Written by Natalia Popova - Professional Artist in 2019  

    My tamper version of the summer flowers, in my opinion.

       After a long watercolor period, I decided to "relax" at the tempera. I wrote with puppy enthusiasm and thought about the connection of temperament and materials for creativity. I will not be surprised if a horoscope on this topic appears soon. It’s even surprising that this is not yet (or maybe I just don’t know?!). People with a passionate temperament like me,

  • Art Festival draw - St. Basil's Cathedral (Pokrovsky Cathedral)

  • Ode to the passing summer...
