My works
Paintings by Natalia Popova - Professional Artist - Written in Watercolor
Each person sees the world around us in his own way. Someone barely notices what is in front of his nose, and someone with delight and surprise examines every pebble, every blade of grass. For creative people, this "Window" is wider than for the rest of the majority. The more we try to look "outside", the brighter and more interesting our work. I work in the most capricious and unique watercolor technique, which I fell in love with while still in art school. However, later in the university, the attitude to watercolors was frivolous, more technical. Often she was assigned a preparatory role for the "serious" oil technique. On the other hand, it has always been recognized that watercolor is very difficult. Today I can say with complete confidence that watercolor is the most complex, unique and expressive painting technique! Even the most outstanding master cannot exactly repeat his own works! The authorship is always divided between the craftsman, water, paper and pigment, and each element brings its own unique nuances to the result. Watercolor so expressively reflects my character, mood and attitude to the world! With my work, I want to show ANOTHER watercolor - bright, mobile, unique!