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When I was in music school, the names of musical works fascinated me: suite, nocturne, prelude, study, sonata, etc. Everyone is so different, with a different character and mood ... Fuck yourself a kind of sonata to stupidity, or rather to the satisfaction of the teacher. I experienced something similar with the next still life - hollowed to the point of insanity. In principle, I understand that this is how the real work happens,

BUT how tired I am !!! I haven’t got tired of any of my work. And well, the result would satisfy me! Nah! In some places I really like it, but on the whole I could not achieve what I wanted. For a couple of days I didn’t even want to think about this topic and even look at it (but usually I hang in a prominent place and analyze the result for a long time). And today I woke up with the thought: “What if you repeat only that bunch ...”. No, says common sense, not worth it. Enough. Yes, and the grenades burst all eaten. But I do not promise that I will not present here another “garnet nocturne.”

Thank you for your attention, interest and time.
Natalia Popova - Professional Artist.