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I have a completely wonderful plant in the garden - an oleander of a pale pink color. No, there are pink and lemon and terry, but it is this pale pink that is my favorite. I don’t really like white flowers - someone in the Crimea constantly eats them, they burn in the sun or something else. But the oleander is good not only because it blooms non-stop all summer, is not afraid of the scorching sun, but it is also poisonous!

No creature wants to eat him.So I just adore him! And this pale pink constantly excites my creative fibers of the soul - the sun plays so fascinatingly with its petals with a motley shadow that I try again and again to catch and convey this miracle. There it was! Everything is too bright, contrasting and colorful. For watercolors is not an easy task. From the third time, I finally got something similar and at the same time watercolor. We must take on the tempera, and all the yellow shades are over.
In Crimea, an oleander is the summer flower for me. And my impressions of the past summer - playing the rays of the sun in its persistent tender petals, when everything around it went down and faded from the heat and dry wind (boiling water with wind speed from the steppes).

Thank you for your attention, interest and time.
Natalia Popova - Professional Artist.