
  • "Shaggy tulips"

    "Shaggy tulips" Painting Watercolor 28x36 Painted by Natalia Popova - Professional Artist 2020

    Shaggy tulips Painting Watercolor 28x36 Written by Natalia Popova - Professional Artist 2020

    A sketch from last spring - I still couldn't bring myself to finish it. New tulips are about to come, but I can't figure out last year's ones! In general, I hardly return to unfinished works. I took 2 pieces with me - irises and these tulips and both on baohong... And here's what I noticed - I ruined the irises with some masochistic zeal and could hardly resist not to send the tulips there.

    I really like the flowers themselves! These silhouettes are antique. I finished it off. I'm not particularly happy

  • "Irises 4 option 1"

    "Irises 4 option 1" Painting Watercolor A4 Painted by Natalia Popova - Professional Artist 2020

    Irises 4 option 1 Painting Watercolor A4 Painted by Natalia Popova - Professional Artist 2020

    Another iris season! Irises are probably the most popular watercolor flower. Only the lazy did not write them. And every time they are a discovery and a new universe 😍

    Thank you for your attention, interest and time.
    Natalia Popova - Professional Artist.

  • "Irises 4 option 2"

    "Irises 4 option 2" Painting Watercolor A4 Painted by Natalia Popova - Professional Artist 2020

    Irises 4 option 2 Painting Watercolor A4 Painted by Natalia Popova - Professional Artist 2020

    Iris season is open! Oh, what a pity that mine suffered from construction last year... I have to run to my friend for nature😭

    Thank you for your attention, interest and time.
    Natalia Popova - Professional Artist.

  • "Irises 4 option 3"

    "Irises 4 option 3" Painting Watercolor A4 Painted by Natalia Popova - Professional Artist 2020

    Irises 4 option 3 Painting Watercolor A4 Painted by Natalia Popova - Professional Artist 2020

    Irises... The third option... the background somehow flooded itself and a few details were added... They became softer, it seems to me 😂

    Thank you for your attention, interest and time.
    Natalia Popova - Professional Artist.

  • "Irises 4 option 4"

    "Irises 4 option 4" Painting Watercolor A4 Painted by Natalia Popova - Professional Artist 2020

    Irises 4 option 4 Painting Watercolor A4 Painted by Natalia Popova - Professional Artist 2020

    Irises... The fourth option... I like the blue ones better. But in the Crimea, they grow at every step for everyone (Except for me). But I’m thinking of moving my Moscow collection of blues to the Crimea, because after each passage of a lawn mower under the windows, there are less and less of them.

    Thank you for your attention, interest and time.
    Natalia Popova - Professional Artist.

  • Such different irises

  • "Such different irises"

    "Such different irises" Painting Watercolor 56x38 Natalia Popova - Professional Artist 2020

    Such different irises Painting Watercolor 56x38 Natalia Popova - Professional Artist 2020

    What kind of irises breeders just did not bring out !!! All sorts of colors, sizes and degrees of openwork. My assortment of these flowers in the garden is not large and simple, but my friend @natasha_volns has a neighbor who breeds them for sale. Here I marveled at the modesty of my collection. Blue ones the size of my head!!! Well, maybe a little smaller, but they are so huge that I psychologically

  • Irises. Again and again.

  • "Irises Again and Again"

    "Irises Again and Again" Painting Watercolor 38x56 Natalia Popova - Professional Artist 2020

    Irises Again and Again Painting Watercolor 38x56 Natalia Popova - Professional Artist 2020

    By the middle of this work, the fuse mysteriously evaporated. I tried to persuade myself to finish for several days and finished it off by force. What's happened?!? I don't know... It's more interesting to paint from nature, but it's more difficult - the flowers open before our eyes, wriggle and wither. The heat is too fast. Blooming peonies and roses did not step on the heels, which the bronze beetles unfortunately devour - and I tormented all the irises. By the end, the work was already pissing me off. Now

  • Roses are chameleons

  • "Roses are chameleons"

    "Roses - chameleons" Painting Watercolor 28x38 Natalia Popova - Professional Artist 2020

    Opening the rose season. In fact, in the Crimea, they have been blooming for a couple of weeks, and this unique giant rose has already been mercilessly eaten by beetles. It is more than 2 meters in height, and the trunks are like young birch trees. Rose tree. Today I cut off the last buds and they are already ugly gnawed by bronzes and "alyonkas". But this year I managed to stock up on photos and grab a little from nature. This rose is the most picturesque and interesting of all that I have seen. It’s a pity that I don’t know the name of the variety - I stole a branch on the street. But for some reason it
