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My day yesterday was devoted to the study of the wonderful @ekaterina_maltseva_art.

And specifically - the use of a palette knife and spray in watercolor. I have an ivory palette knife from oil and it was not easy to wield it. Plus, for the experiment, I took a sheet damaged on one side, but did not take into account that it was damaged due to the marriage of the sheet (forgot!). And do not let blurry clouds and smudges come out of this marriage.

I like the result. Even the melange effect of marriage is interesting here if it were not for this treacherous inscription of mulin in the sky (it is especially clearly visible in the photo of still wet work - see the carousel). I really like Katina's technique - fast and expressive. On these mountains, I sincerely rested - I did not demand a result from myself, just a splash of emotions. This is real psychotherapy! Thank you so much, Catherine, for sharing the secrets of your work!

Thank you for your attention, interest and time.
Natalia Popova - Professional Artist.